

The built environment is a major contributor to climate change, generating nearly 40% of annual global CO2 emissions. It’s not enough to build new low carbon or Net Zero Energy buildings. The retrofit of existing buildings is crucial to preventing the worst effects of climate change. If we can move existing buildings closer to net zero, even if one building at a time, we can create a better future for generations to come.

Our decarbonization service provides short, medium, and long-term strategic planning to make your energy and carbon goals achievable.

Cx Associate's decarbonization service is adaptable to your unique situation and project goals. We work with you to create a package to meet your needs, from a comprehensive and clear path to achieving net zero energy to a few actionable steps to reduce your building's carbon footprint.

We start with energy efficiency before addressing load-shifting or coincident load management, and we consider carbon dynamics such as hourly electric grid emissions, HVAC system time-of-use, and HVAC/Envelope interactions. We compare both electric and fossil fuel loads in terms of carbon (lbs CO2e), providing a strategy for joint optimization of on-site electric and fossil fuel demand. Thinking longer-term, we prioritize your strategic electrification initiatives by their cost- and carbon-effectiveness.

While the full process outlined below is designed to guide you to implementation and beyond, we work with you to envision a process that meets your expectations and budget, and we help find financial support wherever available.


The Decarbonization Process

Phase One: Develop a Path to Net Zero


Gather Baseline Data

Characterize your building’s current performance, including a quantified Energy Use Intensity (EUI) benchmark, HVAC inventory, BAS trend review and analysis, energy model, and inspection/testing. Quantify Scope 1 "direct" emissions sources (on-site fossil fuel use) as well as potential Scope 1 sources (refrigerant fugitive emissions).


The Decarbonization Process

Phases Two, Three, Four

Cx Associates will help you understand your building's Energy Use Intensity (EUI) and carbon emissions and will present a custom step-by-step strategy to meet your emissions reduction goals. We also aim to help you achieve greater energy efficiency and comfort for your building occupants. With our decarbonization service, you'll have access to:

HVAC and Envelope experts who understand how building systems interact.

A building system analysis of the most impactful opportunities.

A strategy for transforming your building to net zero.

Implementation support to ensure new equipment works as intended.


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