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Efficiency Programs

Helping efficiency programs ensure they are using ratepayer dollars in meaningful ways. From program evaluation to consulting to M&V services, Cx Associates can provide the data-driven information and expert input needed to understand your programs’ effects and meet energy saving goals.


Program Evaluation

Understand the success of your efficiency program with data-driven reporting that looks at savings, net-to-gross and cost-benefit ratios, freeridership, and spillover.
Learn more.

Energy Efficiency Program M&V

Providing confidence in program-wide or measure-specific savings. Learn more.

power lines

Program Consulting

Delivering expert input to help shape, refine, and evaluate energy programs across the country.

EK working

Energy Code Evaluation & Development

Collaborating to develop and evaluate energy codes as a tool in each state’s or municipality’s climate action progress. Learn more.

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Using Market Smarts to Enhance Energy Efficiency Program Evaluation

The purpose of energy efficiency programs is to cost effectively generate market demand for energy efficiency that...