Stowe Mountain Lodge 2

Energy Code Evaluation and Support


Code Compliance Evaluation


Cx Associates uses its extensive experience with building analysis and state-wide and regional codes to assist efficiency programs with their commercial code compliance evaluation. Formal code compliance evaluation involves a multi-disciplinary team to cover the full spectrum of the efficiency programs. 

Our evaluations have included development of on-site analysis tools, code official and design firm surveys (both written and telephone style), building modeling in eQuest and Trane Trace, extensive plan reviews, on-site inspections and extensive building component analysis to determine areas of non-compliance. The on-site analysis tool that Cx Associates has developed is an electronic tool that performs calculations to determine compliance to ASHRAE 90.1 2002, 2004 and 2007 while the review engineer is in the field. Subsequent modeling of inspected buildings quantifies the impact of non-compliance and enables Cx Associates to prioritize recommendations for the building components that are most critical to achieving compliance. Our reports outline the existing level of compliance, the energy impact of non-compliance, and provide a roadmap for bringing the state or region's buildings into compliance with its codes.


State Code Adoption Support

Using the extensive knowledge of building systems we have acquired from years of providing commercial building commissioning services and program impact evaluations throughout New York, Vermont and New England, Cx Associates has acted as a technical resource on the development and review of building codes. We apply our practical understanding of industry standards, specifications and regulations for the construction and operation of commercial buildings in compliance with state or municipal energy codes. We also use our experience with program evaluations – interviews with state code officials, building managers and design firms – to bring a comprehensive view to the ramifications of the implementation of building codes on the construction and operation of commercial facilities.